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CDC Updates Guidance for Commuters During COVID-19

Rob Henry, Executive Director for GVF, currently serves as the Chair of the Public Policy Committee for the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), which is the premier TDM organization in the United States. He is also serving as the Immediate Past President of ACT. Rob recently worked with the organization to advocate for changes to the COVID-19 commuting guidelines put forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Recently, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) put forth guidelines that encourages employees to commute via driving alone during COVID-19. These guidelines are not practical or possible for a number of Americans.

As a result of feedback received from ACT and other transportation groups and transit agencies, the CDC has issued updated guidance for employers to support employees commuting to work, replacing the CDC's initial guidance recommending employers promote driving alone to work.

The new language now states:

For employees who commute to work using public transportation or ride sharing, consider offering the following support:

• If feasible, offer employees incentives to use forms of transportation that minimize close contact with others (e.g., biking, walking, driving or riding by car either alone or with household members).

• Ask employees to follow the CDC guidance on how to protect yourself when using transportation.

• Allow employees to shift their hours so they can commute during less busy times.

• Ask employees to clean their hands as soon as possible after their trip.

We appreciate the CDC's recognition of options beyond driving alone to work, but believe that all commuting modes will be necessary to ensure all employees are able to return to their worksites during the pandemic. GVF and ACT encourages all service providers, employers, and commuters to invest in appropriate measures and focus on communication to ensure that transit, shuttles, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, and walking are safe and reliable. GVF and ACT will continue to advocate for support of these vital options.

Recommendations include simple actions like limiting occupancy in vehicles, reserving seats, shifting work hours, being flexible, and most importantly cleaning that transportation providers, employers, and commuters can utilize to the safe use of carpooling, vanpooling, public transit, private shuttles, and telecommuting.

GVF is here to help your employees return to the workplace safely. Contact us at for assistance with your mobility planning.



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