GVF Board of Directors approves new Strategic Plan
Communities install crosswalks to improve pedestrian safety due to our Streets for All Project
Community adapts no parking ordinance and installs new bike lane due to our Bike More Project
GVF managed shuttles increase ridership by 78% since 2021
GVF developed new logo
GVF's non-profit, 82 Alliance, launches the first national workplace journey survey
“We hope you enjoy our 2023 Annual Report. Thank you again to our Board of Directors, Maureen and Kaitlin here at GVF, our sponsors, our partners, and all of you who continue to help us move GVF forward.”
-Rob Henry, Executive Director, GVF
Interested in becoming a partner and helping us advance TDM and mobility options in Southeast Pennsylvania? Contact Maureen Farrell at MFarrell@gvftma.com to learn more about joining our cause!