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On June 17th, 2020, the Lower Merion Township Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to accept a resolution to establish a TDM policy for the Township, making it the first TDM policy for this region​​

In 2018, Lower Merion Township and GVF were awarded a Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI) grant by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) to develop a TDM policy that could serve as a model for other suburban communities in the region. 

As the Township was updating its zoning code, it was a perfect time to evaluate how people were commuting throughout the Township and identify TDM strategies that help enhance mobility options. By actively managing how people move throughout the township, it creates a more efficient and safe transportation system, while reducing congestion and air pollution.


GVF conducted extensive national research on TDM best practices and TDM ordinances, which led to the development of the TDM policy the Board of Commissioners approved in June. The policy, which is voluntary at this point, includes:

Updated Employer TDM Guide for Lower Mer
  1. Show a reduction in AM and PM peak period trips at key intersections by 5-7% within six (6) years of implementation of the policy

  2. Show an increasing amount of ‘saved’ vehicle miles traveled (VMT) based on a biennial review of implemented TDM Plans required by zoning and land development processes

  3. Show a 15-20% increase in mode shift based on employees taking a TDM alternative such as cycling, carpooling, vanpooling, teleworking, or transit (this will be conducted through a surveying of employers’ employees)

  4. Show a Township-wide increase in the availability of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure within six (6) years of the implementation of this policy

  5. Increase public outreach efforts to promote multi-modal transportation

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