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Fort Washington Office Park TDM Plan

This Plan was sponsored by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC) Transportation and Community Development Initiative Grant Program that supports opportunities for smart growth development in individual municipalities through land use and transportation planning initiatives.

The Fort Washington Office Park is an economic and employment hub for the Greater Philadelphia region. Established in the 1950’s, it is comprised of 123 properties within 536 acres and has over 11,000 employees. The existing base of businesses includes a diverse mix of industries including financial services, information technology and the pharmaceutical industry. Like many older business and industrial parks throughout the nation, the Office Park has seen significant decline as it tries to attract new companies and remain competitive in a diversifying business market. In the past, representatives of several large employers have expressed interest in improvements to transportation modes and connections to remain competitive in their labor markets.

This Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan looks to provide key stakeholders of the Fort Washington Office Park strategies, and subsequently, recommendations for making the Office Park more attractive and accessible to multi-modal users and to manage the transportation network within and surrounding the Office Park. Key stakeholders include Upper Dublin Township, where the Office Park is located; property owners who own locations within the Office Park; and employers who are located within the Office Park.

Interested in a TDM Plan? Click here for more information.

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